Wednesday 5 December 2007

The Diary of a Virtuality & Performance Student...

The question that we will be answering as part of our module is, "Does the internet contribute towards violence being used as a form of entertainment?"

Why have we chosen this particular area to concentrate on?
Increasingly in the media we are hearing stories of people uploading violent footage onto the internet to provide entertainment for others.
It is a fact that this is happening, people are uploading home videos of gang fights, bullying, animal cruelty and there are also websites dedicated to giving people the voyeuristic pleasure of looking at corpses and mutilated body parts. And the viewing statistics are huge.
Is this wrong? Is the internet feeding people's sadistic pleasures, or are some humans inevitably transfixed by violence anyway? Does it matter? And should we be censoring what people can upload and watch more strictly or would we end up living in a 1984 society?